
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bag Of Groceries Costs $60 In Manhattan

On of the (many) reasons I like living in Queens is the fact that a I'm only four subway stops from Manhattan - and yet everything here is so much cheaper.

Take, for instance, groceries. Every year the New York Post buys a dozen common grocery items at D'Agostinos, Food Emporium and Gristedes (the 3 major grocery store chains in Manhattan) to see how much they cost. This year's total came to a whopping $59.85 - up $9.11 from last year. Ouch. I would hate to see what those same 12 items cost at Whole Paycheck Foods!

If I had to venture a guess, those same items would probably be 25-30% cheaper at the Associated supermarket (below) around the corner from my apartment, or at the quirky Trade Fair a few blocks away.

I should have gotten out of Manhattan a long time ago...



  1. I bet they'd really be cheap here! Do they publish the list?

    I'll bet even my Whole Paycheck is cheaper than your Whole Paycheck!

  2. A bag?! What is this bag? With BG taking classes at local branches grocery bags come in hordes. I won't even tell you the cost as I might faint.

  3. Miss G -

    Click on the New York Post link in the second paragraph and it will take you to the story (with the list of items).


  4. Girl you need to move here. The other day I went to the Bottom Dollar and got almost four bags of groceries for like $60! I was shocked! But I use like four different stores depending what I'm looking for. Unforantely whole foods has the best produce here. I go to the farmers market first, but if their not open then its whole paycheck!

  5. We don't have Whole Foods (we aren't considered sophisticated enough I guess...) but today is haul home the food day so Daughter and I are going to compare prices and give you a report on the blog.

  6. Shushhh!
    Those people in Manhattan want our cheese....

    "Our Cheese"

    We just don't talk about it.


  7. Wow, that's just crazy. One good thing about the Midwest is that groceries are pretty reasonable. Can't get fresh fish and stuff like that, though.
