
Friday, March 4, 2011


This brilliance courtesy of DustBunny Kayce's TUMBLR, natch.

Dear Miss Queen Ginger: In answer to your question ("What the F*&$ is a tumblr??") - Tumblr is like a cross between Twitter (you follow people and it's fast-paced) and a blog (you share whatever you want with your followers) - but with less words and more pictures (in general). In other words, you don't have to try and say witty things - you can simply look at and reblog pictures of gorgeous men (if that's what you're into) - or anything else. It's FABULOUS.

Check my tumblr out HERE. But you probably shouldn't do it at work - unless Charlie Sheen is your boss, then it's probably fine. Just tell him you're "WINNING".



  1. I found it *odd* that, when I worked at Planned Parenthood, someone sent us a bomb threat and me pregnant with twins... three for the price of one!!
