
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dusty "Sits Up" For Caturday

It's a tradition in my family to teach our cats to "sit up". And NO, we don't call it "begging" - that would be undignified. Oscar, my 14-year-old boy kitty, has been doing it for years.

As you can see, Miss Dusty Winehouse (above and below) has mastered the art of "sitting up", especially if I'm offering a sip of a delicious cocktail...

Here's Dusty balancing on the side of the tub (that's Oscar to her right getting a drink). Look at Miss Thang showing her harmless fearsome fangs...

Happy Caturday!!



  1. oh, dear.... Abby and Tar have no tricks to speak of. We taught Rosie to shake and she remembered it all her years.

  2. So cute! How do you teach them to do that? Seriously. Brigit would just sneer at me. Guess I've started too late.
