
Saturday, March 12, 2011

GOP Budget Cuts Target Tsunami Warning Center

A spending plan approved by the House would slash funding for a tsunami warning center that issued an alarm after the devastating earthquake in Japan. The plan approved by the GOP-controlled House last month would trigger deep cuts for the National Weather Service, including the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii.
Of course this comes as no surprise - because the Republicans need that money to give to their wealthy Masters. Duh.

Also, the states most in danger of tsunamis are all blue states: Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington. So Repugs see no need to protect those dirty liberal commie hippies along the Pacific. Again ... Duh.


1 comment:

  1. Saw a thing on CNN yesterday about the power of Facebook and Twitter. People were able to get the warnings out faster than the alarm system. They are saying that social media probably saved lives.
