
Friday, March 18, 2011

I Bet You Didn't Know ...

... that this is the Official Motto of the American Homosexual Male. Yep, it's true - check out page 38 of the Official Gay Agenda if you don't believe me...

I learned about the Official Motto during my Official Gay Induction Ceremony, Potluck and Tea Dance. Which was fabulous, by the way...

Anywhore, the Official Motto was adopted during the Big Gay Congress of 1989 - which met in The Pines on Fire Island (natch). After singing our National Anthem ('Somewhere Over The Rainbow') and our Official Fight Song ('It's Raining Men') - they opened up the floor for Official Motto nominations. "Sing Out Louise!" was shot down early (not wordy enough) - but it did become the Official Gay Battle Cry. Also considered were "But Ya ARE Blanche, Ya ARE In That Chair" (too divisive) and "Boom Boom Boom Let's Go Back To My Room" (too suggestive).

And then, during the fifth round of balloting, "If You Can't Say Anything Nice About Anybody, Come Sit By Me" garnered the required 69 percent of the vote, and the Motion was adopted.

After the vote, everyone returned to their fabulously decorated homes, took disco naps, got dressed and went out to the club for a night of ... well ... 'Boom Boom Boom Let's Go Back To My Room', if you smell what I'm stepping in.

Seriously ... this is a true story. Mark, Rick and Steve - the guys who recruited me into the Gay Lifestyle - told me all about it.



  1. I remembering reading about that in The Big Gay Book Of History.

  2. And each of them has a FABULOUS toaster oven as a reward for their recruiting efforts!!

  3. What is the target date for taking over the world? Not 2012?!?!

  4. 69 percent. Hee hee. Seriously though, my dad and his partner (of 30 years until my dad passed away) had a pillow with this stitched on it in their living room.

  5. I'm still trying to recover from "potluck." One would think that an event this momentous would have been catered. And what about ambiance such as centerpieces and all? Was there a dress theme? As you see I have lots of questions -- and I'm beginning to think I spend too much time talking to Maddie.

  6. Too too too funny! I think I don't spend enough time talking to Maddie!
