
Monday, March 14, 2011

Incredible, Heartbreaking Video

I know there are tons of video clips coming out Japan, but this one took my breath away. It's a street-level video of Kesennuma City (pop. 74,000) simply washing away. The water starts coming in at the beginning and it just keeps coming and coming and coming. By the end of the 6 minute clip, the city is completely destroyed.



  1. It is very spell binding isn't it? It just blows the mind the force of nature and how liitle a force we really are. Now I hear there is a volcano in Japan getting ready to erupt. I believe ash is already coming out.

  2. This really is heartbreaking. The earth is trying to get rid of us.

  3. The horror of being in that situation is almost beyond comprehension. The calmness of the Japanese people in the face of such unbelievable disaster has earned my admiration and respect.

  4. The strength of Mother Nature is awe inspiring, even when she is a bitch. I was mesmerized by how "orderly" the destruction seemed to be... the car seem to peel off and float down that one street as if they were being driven! Once the cars were all swept away, she started on the buildings.
    The whole time I wondered of the fate of the cameraman... surely he was confident of his ability to save himself as he continued filming. I hope it was justified...
