
Monday, March 14, 2011

It's A Trap!

Someone has been setting up "Hipster Traps" around NYC - complete with Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, those horrible neon sunglasses and American Spirit smokes. All that's missing is an "ironic" hat.

I wonder what they do with them once they've caught one? Release him or her back into their native habitat (AKA "Brooklyn")????



  1. Is that *real* beer?
    Does anyone know if this is a commercial stunt or *art*?

  2. I would imagine they tag and release, just to study the interesting mating habits and social lives of this most mysterious of creatures.

  3. Is this for real? If it is your lucky there is no Arby's traps around, otherwise I'd be up there hand feeding you delicious roast beef and curly fries bitch!


  4. Odd or art or maybe odd art?

    Oh, yes, thank goodness there were no Arby's traps!!! You might have lost a hand!

  5. When did Pabst become hip? What did I miss? Wasn't that the beer of choice for trailer trash?

  6. Dearest Dust Bunny Mark -

    Yes, you are right. But that's the point...

    "Oh look at US! We are SO COOL, that we are drinking beer that normally only TRAILER TRASH drinks!!! Aren't we being CLEVER and IRONIC?!?"

    YES, hipsters really ARE that retarded.


  7. I had no idea PBR was hip- where the hell have I been?

  8. OH! David,
    I've been on the phone & having Bloggerrhea all evening over this...
    Non-New Yorkers will have a hard time understanding..
    So let one Queens' Queen hand down her edict...

    Young & Beautiful boys that shop at "Thrift Shops" in Brooklyn, where a simple blouse costs twenty-two dollars, pay exhorbident rent (albeit shared with their buddies), smoke "natural" cigarettes, and tell Daddy not to be so hard on them for using the platinum card, because, after all, they are doing the best they can by drinking cheap beer & "I have a plan"
    The FEMALES know that daddy has money; the boys get laid... (when they are not doing each other)...

    And I don't even want to talk about the hats....
    I live in Queens; I only wear a hat with discretion....

    To sum-it-up:
    It is a very hard job pretending to be poor...

    Apart from Greenpoint, I see no reason to ever go there again.

