
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Last Night on Top Chef All Stars

Just a few thoughts about last night's episode:
  • I may be in the minority here, but I have begun to really dislike Richard Blais (above). Last night he actually said, and I quote, "I think there's added pressure on ME because I lost my season ...". Um, here's a newsflash for ya Blais - everyone on All Stars lost their season. Stop acting like losing Top Chef Season Four was some kind of TRAGEDY OF EPIC PROPORTIONS. You lost - it happened - get over it.
  • Yes Richard, we know you're "nervous" - you say it every week. We also know you "hate everything you do". And thanks to your increasingly psycho personality on All Stars, I now hate everything you do also. Happy now?
  • As much as I don't care for Bighead Mike, I would almost prefer that he wins over Richard - just to see the look on Richard's face. Evil, I know, but true.
  • Bighead, however, needs to learn how to talk about how great his food is - as opposed to how bad everyone else's food sucks.
  • Did you see Padma flirting with the "Commodore"? Someone should have informed Ms. Lakshmi that he was NOT a member of "The Commodores" (below) and doesn't have "Brick House" and "Three Times A Lady" money in the bank. In the immortal words of Kanye West ... "I ain't sayin' she a gold-digger..."

  • I didn't see the entire episode - did they explain why everyone was dressed up like they were attending the annual White Party in Miami after dinner?
  • And, finally, I've never heard so much CONCH TALK in all my life!!!

Anybody have any thought about last night's episode. Please leave a comment and tell us what's on your mind...



  1. I agree that Richard is working everyone's last nerve, but gotta say he keeps coming up with creative stuff. I mean...sweet potatoes as pasta that actually fools some judges?

    As for the white party garb...they didn't explain it but my guess is that if you're celebrating the 80th anniversary of the yacht club Nassau AND your old(er), white (padma was the only visible minority at the table), and rich that one must wear white. The gauzier the better!

  2. As I've said elsewhere:


  3. Maybe they had an art director with delusions of Victorian costume pictures.

    I noticed all the white folks too and the disappearing waiters.

    Pulling for Antonia now!!

  4. Padma was slammin' hot in her bikini- Even a drag queen could appreciate that gratuitous scence!

    DoucheBagMike was DISGUSTING diving shirtless for conch. And he slobbers when he talks- can't STAND him!

    Freaky Blais is freaking me out- he gets more neurotic by the day. Eetsa Top Chef, notta Top Woody Allen!

    I say we all pull for Antonia and let her be the winner! Since I can't have my hootie hoo I might was well get the next best thing!

    And even though my girl Tiffany was from Texas, it was time for her to go. She said it herself when she commented that she had never work for a world class chef. She was outclassed, and it was becoming painfully obvious!!

    And Miss Ginger would be SO PISSED with all that seafood on the beach if no one had fried her up a batch of CONCH FRITTERS!! They are to key west what the Curly Fry is to Queens!
