
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last Night On Top Chef: The Second-To-Last Supper

I watched Top Chef All Stars last night - and even took notes - but of course I left those notes at home. So now you'll just have to make due with some random thoughts which ya'll can discuss in the comments:
  • Did anyone else feel like the producers took about 15 minutes of watchable television and stretched it out for a full hour? Let's face it, we all knew Blais was going to the FINALLY FINITO finale, so when it came down to "one bite" at the end to determine who he would compete against, it seemed like the first 45 minutes were kind of useless.
  • Come to think of it, this entire season should have been called Top Chef: Meatloaf - a little bit of good meat and a whole bunch of filler.
  • Last night Bighead Mike remarked that Wolfgang Puck was the only Chef he knew as a kid. What kind of childhood did he have?? Didn't he know about the Swedish Chef?...

  • Or the Cream of Wheat guy?...

  • Or, my personal favorite?...

  • During the Quickfire, when Blais speculated that hot dogs must be "near and dear" to Austrian Wolfgang Puck's heart, I had an epiphany ... THIS IS WHY I LOVE WIENERS!! My father's side of the family, in fact, is of Austrian descent.

  • It took Michelle Bernstein (below, with Bighead) exactly TWO sentences to inform us that she's "Latin and Jewish". Chef Bernstein is slipping ... those are usually the FIRST words out of her mouth.
  • Dear Richard Blais: Winning "the most challenges in Top Chef history" is something to be proud of. However, when you remind us every 15 minutes of this achievement you sound a bit douchenozzly. Wait - scratch that. A LOT douchenozzly. Just saying.
  • With that being said, I'll have to root for Blais in the ULTIMATE FINALLY REALLY-THIS-IS-IT FINAL FINALE. Because, you know, I just CAN'T with Bighead.

Thoughts? Predictions? Criticisms? "Last Supper" jokes?? Leave 'em in the Comments...


  1. I decided I hate the term 'last supper'- googling you get the painting from DaVinci (which reminds me of how much I hated the second book), the awful preamble to legalized execution or naked Anthony Bourdine.

    Top Chef should have learned from Project Runway's mistake. The disappearing of Gretchen. While Richard may do an okay job of being a winner, MikeI. oh my gawd. Carla as Top Chef - solid gold. She'd take the series to new heights - she's already been to the White House - anyone else done that??

    Sure it is okay to judge on the meal before you but shouldn't a Top Chef be more than that? Shouldn't a Top Chef inspire people, thrill people about cooking, be nice, funny, entertaining and good at chef-ing all at the same time? Shouldn't the judges take that into consideration - just who do you want representing your franchise - MikeI with his fart and belching repertoire?

  2. The biggest issue I have with Richard is that he says all the time how he "choked" at his finale. "The show was mine to lose" he has said. It bothers me that he seems to have no respect for Stephanie, who actually won that year. She was good and won many challenges. I never thought her winning was a fluke and that is how Blais makes it sound. I am actually going to watch and pull for neither. I wanted Antonia in the finale (well I really wanted Carla or Dale or Fabio or anyone else than who we have).

  3. Froggy - Agreed. If Bighead Mike is the winner it won't bode well for the show.

    Tivo Mom - You are absolutely correct about Blais. He makes it sound like Stephanie wasn't even there at the finale, and somehow he forfeited. Or something. Ass.

  4. I've been a longtime Blais fan--does that sound oddly sexual to anyone but me?--though I am so Team Hootie Hoo that Carla must have her own show.
    As for the Finale, I've been saying it all season:

  5. I'm rooting for Mike. I'd like to see an unattractive, unlikeable person win it. he also is opening a restaurant in DC, so there's that "local" thing.

    He's also a major underdog, and I'd love to see Blais's head explode!

  6. I wanted Carla or Antonia to win. Fabio can win Favorite. I'm bummed.

  7. I'll bet Carla gets her own show- somewhere. She should. I would watch. If Douchey Mike wins, I think TC will lose a lot of credibility and market share. Honestly, I'm getting a bit tired of the format, and now find myself spending more and more of my DVR time with my newest obsession, Chelsea Lately.
