
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Note To Rebecca Black: "Like/Dislike" A Bad Idea

If you've spent any time on the Innerwebz over the past 2 weeks, you've probably heard about Rebecca Black -  the young gal who sounds like she's singing about "Fried Eggs", but she's really singing about eating cereal and her inability to choose a place to sit. Yeah - it's deep.

Anywhoo - Rebecca's people might just want to disable the "Like/Dislike" function on her YouTube page - because as of 11:00 pm last night (see screencap, above), "Dislike" was winning like Barack Obama in Chicago. We're talking Landslide.



  1. Lord knows I TRIED! to listen to the whole song. But ho not even my illiterate Ass could stand it. 60 million views? That can't be right.

  2. dislike it all you want, she has made alomst a million dollars from that bad song and she is donating it all to charity.

  3. It really is an astoundingly bad song. I couldn't make it through the whole thing. It doesn't even have the redeeming factor of being so bad you have to watch it just to laugh in horror. I'm thinking of the Celine Dion cover of "You Shook Me All Night Long." Every once in a while, I just have to bite down on that tinfoil.
