
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bad News: It's Terminal

Oh that Doctor Cat, such a jokester - Happy Caturday!

Anywhore, I'm feeling better - the Percocet takes care of the pain, but makes me stoopid stoopider an idiot. And the 24 inches long by 6 inches wide (for you size queens) band of shingles blisters is slowly becoming less oozy and more scabby. Which, believe it or not, is a good thing.

It looks like I'll be able to go back to work on Monday, which is somewhat of a mixed blessing. On the one hand, It will be nice to actually EARN AN INCOME again - which should please my landlord and the good people at Arby's. On the other (scabby) hand, an entire week's work will be waiting for me when I walk in the door. Oy.



  1. Well, all in all, good news! That's a relief :-)

  2. Glad you are on the mend... be careful... I am surprised that Arby's haven't sent someone to see where you have been..?

  3. Glad you got some relief! I've been thinking about you even more than usual! xoxoxoxoxxo

  4. Happy you are feeling better.:)

    I thought the comic was going to be a cat scan joke.

  5. Congratulations for working the word "scabby" into your daily bidness! That just made my day!!
