
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dear Mr. Trump ...

... a "Mister InYoFace" called. He wanted to make sure you got the document he sent over. Please give him a call back at your earliest convenience.

BREAKING: President Obama released his "long-form" birth certificate this morning. Which is OBVIOUSLY a forgery done by the Commie Muslim Kenyan Socialist Brotherhood so just ignore it ...



  1. I tell you, I felt a pang of jealousy, having discovered what hoops I have to jump thru now to prove my citizenship.

    And you KNOW... that some folks will not be happy. I'm just curious to find out what they are going to come up with?

  2. Trump the racist douche now wants to see his academic records. Obama was president of the Harvard Law Review, which has to be earned!!! Trump's daddy paid for him to get into schools. What were his grades?

  3. Big surprise here...hardcore birthers are saying that it took too long to release, and that it's a fake. *gasp*

    Also, Trump said he'd release his tax returns when Obama released his birth certificate. [tap tap tap] We're waiting, Trump.

  4. As a Brit I find it amazing/amusing/worrying that there are a bunch of people in the US who genuinely believe that Obama might not be an American. A pressing issue of such national importance that it is worth making a campaign issue.

    Oh wait, hold on, they don't really think that. They're just a mob of racist morons trying to dress their hatred up up as a patriotic love of country.

    America doesn't need that kind of love. It needs serious politicians working to turn the economy round and get it back on track. The whole world is watching and thinking Palin first and now this? Really???

  5. This whole thing is so ridiculous!
