
Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Doctor gave some Percocet and (something else) and - in the immortal words of Ginny Baker on her wedding day in Sixteen Candles - "WOW ... do I feel FUNKY!"

My Doctor also said I can't work until Monday (since shingles is contagious) - but this sucks because I'll  lose a week's pay (no sick days where I work). But at least the pain is gone.

In the meantime, there will be very little blogging until I stop acting like THIS:


  1. Sorry about the money.

    Glad you're not feeling any pain or maybe I should say I'm glad you're not feeling anything?

  2. Shingles is brutal. Feel better soon!

  3. hmmmm. you might want to reconsider not blogging....under the influence, you may end up posting some serious fantasticals...

    i do hope you are on the way to wellville..and less tress - shingles can be brought on by stress.

    maybe you need to borrow a sex maniac for this weekend...

  4. So glad you are feeling a bit better and you should definately keep posting.

    It will be our equivilant of Dronk photos and we can tease the hell out of you later. ;)

  5. we need you to feel ph phunky! i'll miss you! get some rest and feel better!


  6. yeah, get better and thanks for the clip

  7. Duuude, I better stay on my side of the boulevard, you are the third person I know to get shingles over there..
    I hope it's not too painful for you & you recover soon.

    enjoy the pills
