
Friday, April 8, 2011


Charlie Sheen brings his "Violent Torpedo of Death" CRACKSTRAVAGANZA to Radio City Music Hall this weekend. And DARN IT, I forgot to buy a ticket.

In related news, Mr. Sheen had found it impossible to book a hotel in NYC, for obvious reasons. But Donald Trumptard - who never misses a publicity opportunity - came through and gave Sheen 12 rooms at the Trump International Hotel. So, if anyone needs a crack fix, just bring your cash to the lobby of the Trump International Hotel - the dealers will certainly be coming and going all weekend.



  1. Should probably stay close to home this weekend, with the kitties, in case Charlie Sheen's torpedo explodes...

  2. I think Maury did a second DNA test and found that Adonis WASN'T the donor..!

  3. Anyone still buying tickets to that trainwreck is an idiot, even if old Tiger Blood has allegedly "fixed" the show since he was booed offstage in Detroit.

  4. Not being a US citizen I may be a little out of the loop, BUT, is this the same bizarre haired Trump that wants to run for president on the Repubic*nt ticket?

    With all the fuss about whether Clinton and Obama smoked dope, is it wise for him to host Cracktastic Chaz in his property before the aforementioned race for the White House? How does that sort of thing play with the 'religious' right?

  5. Nitrox - Yep, same guy. Although I highly doubt Trump is really running for Pres - he's prob just stirring up publicity for his TV show, Celebrity Apprentice.

  6. Well, that's a relief and I am sure the rest of the world will sleep easier without his finger on the nuclear button.

    On a personal level, I have a real problem with someone who thinks it is acceptable to parade such bad hair in public.
