
Friday, April 8, 2011

Texting Code For Seniors

· BFF ~ Best Friend Farted 
· BTW ~ Bring The Wheelchair 
· CBM ~ Covered By Medicare 
· DWI ~ Driving While Incontinent 
· FWIW ~ Forgot Where I Was 
· GGLKI ~ Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In 
· HGBM ~ Had Good Bowel Movement 
· IMHO ~ Is My Hearing-Aid On? 
· LMDO ~ Laughing My Dentures Out 
· LOL ~ Living On Lipitor 
· LWO ~ Lawrence Welk's On 
· OMSG ~ Oh My! Sorry, Gas! 
· ROFL-CGU ~ Rolling On Floor Laughing, Can't Get Up 
· SGGP ~ Sorry, Gotta Go Poop 
· TTYL ~ Talk To You Louder 
· WAITT ~ Who Am I Talking To? 
· WTFA ~ Wet The Furniture Again

Source: The Lady Bunny (She's so bad!!)


1 comment:

  1. Very bad indeed, but will come in handy for all of us sooner or later. And sooner for some of us rather than later.
