
Thursday, April 28, 2011

This WILL Be On The Test

Kurt is right - there are a few things one must know in order to become a full-fledged member of The Gays...
  • Names like Eve Harrington, Mame Dennis, Suzanne Sugarbaker and Evelyn 'Champagne' King.
  • Phrases like "But ya AHH Blanche, ya ahh in that chair!", "Sing Out, Louise!" and "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize."
  • Skills such as 'Setting the perfect dinner table' and 'Dancing wildly to Donna Summer without spilling your cocktail'.
And YES, we do require that one passes a test before one gets his or her Official Gay Card.



  1. Whew, glad I am bi. I would so fail parts of that test. :P

    Hope your feeling better sweetie.

  2. Word.

    I would aslo add a couple more phrases:

    CHRISTINA!!!!! Bring me the axe!


    This is not my first time at the rodeo.

  3. I would have scored a solid 'B'... not gay enough to be in the club but high enough to make you wonder..!

  4. can you get the card without being gay. it would look so good in my bag...

  5. And there's more...

    Mixing a killer Bolli Stoli, or at the very least not having to have what it is explained to you

    Possessing, and having the presence of mind to deliver without missing a beat, a withering put-down/glance combo when confronted by the sheer stupidity of a homophobic remark.

    Combining the elegant drinking of a Bolli Stoli whilst carrying off the put-down gets you the platinum card without any further ado.
