
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blame Amber

Yesterday started out kind of crappy, however - much to my surprise and delight - it ended quite wonderfully.

"Why is that", you ask?? I blame Amber!

Last night I got to meet one of my oldest MOST ESTABLISHED blog friends - Miss Amber LeMay. Amber is on a whilwind tour of NYC and we finally arranged to meet. Accompanying her for dinner was none other than Russell D - part of the RJD Productions team responsible for the look of this blog. Russell is also the person Amber and I call when our "computer thingy is broken". Poor dear.

However, there will be NO photographs published of this magical evening. For one thing, a lady doesn't have her picture taken when she's as fat as I am. Look at what happened to Liz Taylor (God rest her eternal soul) - the poor woman never DID live that down.

Besides, Amber was deep undercover (and that girl can go DEEP) - posing as some fabulous dude named "Bob". It was an ingeneous disguise designed to fool the paparazzi who had gathered outside the restaurant, trying to snap her picture. And her "Bob" drag worked like a charm.

So, if I have anyone to "blame" for my much-better frame of mind today, I'm blaming Amber LeMay. And Russell, of course ...



  1. Is hard to foil those dratted paparazzi! Glad a good time was had by all.

  2. Sounds like you had a great time! I love Amber's earring, by the way! :)
