
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fleet Week Sails Into NYC

From NY1:
Fleet Week kicked off Wednesday morning with a “Parade of Ships” on the Hudson, which included one massive craft built from World Trade Center steel. The USS New York, a ship constructed with nearly eight tons of steel from Ground Zero, led the procession at the launch of New York’s 24th annual Fleet Week. 
It is the boat’s first official trip to the city since being commissioned here in 2009.
“The fact that it has the steel from the Trade Center, that it was built to honor the memory of those who were lost on that day, it's incredibly moving to me,” said Captain Brenda Berkman of the FDNY. 
As the USS New York approached Lower Manhattan, its crew stood at attention to pay their respects to those killed in the terror attacks on September 11th.


  1. I was just wondering today if Fleet Week still happened in NY or SF and here you go posting about it. you must be one of them psychics I hear tell about....btw the holding his hat in hand and coat over his shoulder? Yeah that one, that's my long lost husband - would you please send him home? thanks mister bunny!

  2. David, you are a menace.

    The fangirl squees upon seeing this post have reached a pitch that is making every dog in the neighborhood nuts...

  3. OK, you have got to remind me the next fleet week so I can come to the city and find us some trouble!
