
Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Have A Question ...

What TV shows would you like to see me recap in the future?

I need to get back to writing recaps - especially since that's what put this blog on the map in the first place. Furthermore, after speaking to a close friend who is a big fan "Trash TV" (any show which features lots of YELLING), I'm ready to consider shows that I used to give the side-eye to. And YES, I'm side-eyeing you Housewives of Everywhere.

My thinking is this: DRAMA = entertaining recaps. I've often said that the hardest Top Chef/Project Runway episodes to recap are the last few - when the "characters" have been weeded out and only the serious contestants remain. So why not write about shows where absolutely everyone is a character?? And why must I restrict myself to competition shows only?

But here's the thing - I've spent so little time watching TV over the past year that I don't even know what's out there, let alone what's coming up. And that's where YOU - my darling DustBunnies come in.

Please leave suggestions in the Comments as to what upcoming shows you'd like me to tackle. There are NO restrictions - and the tackier/more repulsive the better...



  1. just bc it's seems like such a tragedy, i'm going to go with logo's "pretty hurts" which starts the 9th (10th?).

  2. Chris March's upcoming show on Bravo will have a limited cast of characters and CHRIS!

    Something vile and disgusting - I would nominate that teenage mother show on MTV but haven't seen it - not even recorded it with the magic recorder!!!

    End of the month there is a music show and a million dollar decorator show on Bravo.

    Looking forward to it!

  3. My vote for vile and disgusting would be "The A-List"; I think that in addition to another New York season there will also be a Los Angeles version. Trash, trash, trash.

  4. I too would vote for A List but I know you don't get Logo. Wish you had asked this before Real World started. All kinds of train wrecks on there. And Beverly Hills Fabulous could have been fun as well. Guess that just leaves RHONJ but do you really want to talk smack about the Manzos?

  5. I'd love to help but I really don't do much tv...
    I depend on you & a few others to keep me current though...
    looking forward to see which ones you choose!
