
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shhhhhhhh ...

FYI: I'll be much quieter than usual over the next week or so. There's lots and lots going on right now and there just isn't much time to spend on my lonely, neglected computer.



  1. Girl, now you better keep me posted about how tommorrow goes! Call me so I know how you made out. The dentist is not bad at all, and they have seen everything trust me! Mine could do anything, and I never feel a thing. Course, it could be due to the fact I do half a bottle of gin before going! JK!!!!!

    lOVE YA GIRL and call me!

  2. HELLO DAVID, no matter how much shit I have to do everyday,I manage to check out your blog. I miss chatting with you. I hope you're doing well. B and I might surprise you in New York in the coming months. I really need to get away and he doesn't have shit to do, so I might plan a long weekend.

    Take care buddy.

  3. okay, well don't be gone too long

  4. take care of you first david! hope your appointment is fast, the dentist is hawt, and they have good magazines in the lobby.

