
Monday, May 2, 2011

Spotted On The Street - Kerry Degman

About 4 hours ago, while walking along 6th Avenue in Chelsea, I saw a total vision of White Boy Beauty. "Holy Jeebus, that's Kerry Degman!", I thought to myself. Mr. HAWTNESS was carrying a couple of shopping bags (possibly from Trader Joe's) and was so gorgeous he almost looked plastic. A beautiful, sexy, perfect plastic.

After he passed I started second-guessing whether or not it was really Kerry Degman. After all, models travel all over the world - what are the chances that I would see him on 6th Ave?.

So after returning home I checked to see if Kerry had a Twitter account, and sure enough ...

Not only does Kerry have a Twitter account, about 3 hours ago he tweeted about walking in NYC, and how he was making pizza - possibly using the ingredients in the grocery bags I saw him carrying. BTW - the h_marks he refers to is model Heather Marks.

Sometimes I love technology - especially if it helps me to identify on-the-street gorgeousness.


  1. Very lucky are you to «encounter» such a HAWTNESS...

    So, I can tell you how much I know how you feel..
    Here in my neighbourhood live PIERRE FITCH which I saw with RALPH WOODS on a terrasse last summer...AND... I TOUCHED the body of TRISTAN BULL when he was nude dancer in a nude dancer bar here...
    Also, ALEXY TYLER was my waiter at the same bar (the CAMPUS on Ste-Catherine St.)
    I also chatted and see often IAN DUNCAN.
    Many of those models are from Montréal...
    I also personally know DOMINIC VALENTINE from COLT studios...

    SO, you see that I understand you that much.

  2. BITCH! I thought I had you trained better! You were to hit him over the head with a brick, gag and tie him up, and then deliver him to Bucks County for moi!!!! I'll forgive you this time.......... next time not so nice! LOL!

  3. Online stalking- I learned it from the best!!
