
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thank You Wisconsin, Ohio & Florida

Thanks to Republican Governors Scott Walker (WI), John Kasich (OH) and Rick Scott (FL) - Amtrak will have $800 million in additional funds to improve service in the Northeast Corridor. You see, this trifecta of idiots REJECTED money that would be used on rail projects in their states, because free federal money that creates jobs is a COMMIE SOCIALIST KENYAN PLOT (or something). So the Transportation Department will spend this money here instead.

From Gawker:
"... much of the work will be done to increase train speed (up to 160 mph!) between New York and Washington, D.C., with repairs being made to switches around Penn Station and equipment updates along a busy segment of track between Morrisville, Pa., and New Brunswick, N.J."
This is excellent news, as I travel on Amtrak from Penn Station to Harrisburg, PA at least twice a year to visit my family.

So, thanks again Teatards!!! I guess they ARE good for something...


  1. Well, of course creating new jobs that might take a little pressure off the economy to build a method of travel that could save the air and make us less reliant on foreign oil is a bad bad thing.

    Effin' 'baggers.

  2. We learned about high speed trains the hard way. We tried to cross the train tracks in England. There were no trains BUT there was a curve... which we couldn't see around. And just as we were in the middle of the tracks, a train appeared and just as we leaped off the tracks the train wizzed by. That is when I started turning gray....

  3. I'm with you David...
    I'll take the bacon off someone else's plate if they aren't gonna eat it!
    I hope the people that voted for these evil morons will wake up now...
