
Thursday, May 26, 2011

True Cost Of The British Royal Family

CGPGrey makes some of the most informative videos on YouTube - you may remember his explanation of the different parts of the United Kingdom, which I loved. Now he's gone and explained how much the British Royal Family truly "costs" their nation - and it's not what you might expect...


  1. Very interesting!!
    I was one of those tourists though we traveled by bicycle and lived in a tent so didn't spend as much money as we could have.

  2. I want me some of those Tijuana Professional Services, but make mine talk, dark and handsome!

  3. Very interesting YouTube about the Queen.
    We, Canadians, often grumble about the Queen's costs....

    So now, I'll be more indulgent of her...
    Anyway, I think that she is quite a special lady. She did what no one would do for so many years.

    In a way, I admire her.

  4. Very interesting! My mother is from Scotland. For reals. As in, born and raised there, not just "my family is Scottish". Anyway, I have lots of relatives in the UK and never really knew this stuff. :)
