
Monday, May 9, 2011

Visiting With Friends

Over the past two weeks I've had the pleasure of not one, but TWO visits from dear blogger friends of mine.

The Minx came to town a while back, and we shared a nice dinner near my job in the Village. I love it when Ms. Minx visits, because she researches and choses restaurants for us based on her culinary knowledge (and my likes/dislikes). Check out the Minx's post HERE for more about our lovely meal.

And yesterday I got to see dear Dan - and finally got to meet his adorable husband, Luis. I met Dan at the bar in his hotel for a drinky-drink, then we met up with Luis and went for gay brunch in Hell's Kitchen. We actually ate at a restaurant directly across the street from my old apartment - and the food (and bartenders) were fabulous. Yes, we dined at the bar (instead of in the dining room) - does that surprise you??

Dan (left) and hubby Luis

So who's coming to visit me next??...



  1. Very handsome dinner guests!! And very tasty looking dinner :)

  2. I'll let you know when I am in town. Would love to do brunch with you.

    Bermuda Bunny,
    Mike Fourth

  3. Dearest Bermuda Bunny Mike -

    Just let me know, and I'm there.


  4. I'll be seeing you the week of May 25th!!! Can't wait!!!

  5. Dearest Amber -

    I simply cannot wait!!


  6. I keep thinking I'll run into you on the train or at the Trade Fair or somewhere!

  7. Ding dong bitch! It's me Ho!

  8. I need to pick a weekend!
    When is Tug coming? Wish I could make it up there when Amber is there!!

  9. How fun! Sounds great. I want to see you again! xoxoxoxox

  10. Wally - Just shoot me and email, I'd love to meet up sometime.

    Ginger - Tug is just playing ... I would die of happiness if that Ho ever rang my buzzer. And YES, you DO need to pick a weekend. Actually, Maddie and I are gonna do the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Metropolitan soon - maybe we can coordinate. I'm getting hongray for some "Borbeque" Pork Buns!


  11. Auntie Flame -

    Get on a bus and come see me. You can sleep on my couch and we'll eat at my restaurant. It won't cost much at all!!


  12. Girl! It was an amazing time! It's time for you to come visit us!
