
Monday, May 16, 2011

Wishful Thinking: CNN Gay Trifecta

Lemon, Cooper, Holmes: Gayfecta???

As many of you know by now - it was announced today that CNN weekend prime time anchor Don Lemon (above leftcomes out in his new book - Transparent. Which leaves CNN with one openly gay anchor (Lemon) and one not-so-openly gay anchor (Anderson Cooper). I know I'm being greedy, but can we send in the top-secret Gay Recruitment Team Six (code name: "Squad Channing-LuPone") to recruit/convert the delicious TJ Holmes (below) to our team??  Pleeeeaaaaassse??????



  1. I was always crushing on AJ Hammer from Showbiz Tonight on HLN. He is fiiiine!

  2. Hehehe. As I've said on a few blogs today, I love Don Lemon! But all kidding aside, rumor has there is still one more family member besides Andy and Donnie over at CNN. On air personality.... I've been trying to figure who though.

  3. @Mecha - I love your slogan dude. TJ is a cutie but he's a bit too slim for my taste. Even though he's not into the brothers I wish Don Lemon all the best and applaud him for embracing his authenticity.

  4. I agree, I'll send the Tennessee Squad to aid you
