
Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Yesterday's GOT GRAVY? post really struck a nerve - so very soon I'll be announcing a trial run of a new DustBunny Healthier Living program. P.S. - If you happen to smell smoke, it's just my brain catching fire from all the brainstorming going on right now ...

In the meantime ... are there any other Bunnies out there who want/need to lose some weight and/or live healthier, while receiving encouragement/support/advice from other DustBunnies?? If so - please leave a comment.

And stay tuned...



  1. I'm in...
    I've just been running short on time to comment & discuss lately..

  2. I fess up...I need to lose weight. If for no other reason to just feel better and be able to buy clothes that fit.

  3. OMG! It's Mr Heat Miser!!! Or Ms Heat Miser, if you're nasty.

  4. i'm in!!! i love how you are willing to devote blog time to yet another fabulous idea that will better all who read it :D we can be a cooler, hipper version of that popular program that meets and lends support to one another! you could do something inspirational like posting a papi for each collective pound we lost each week!


  5. I'm doing OK now, but I will tell you I lost about 95 lbs about 5 years ago, and it really changed the way I felt - especially my knees and feet. And no more bed-time indigestion! For me: Get on a schedule; eat small 'meals' 5-6 times/day; use bodybuilder protein shakes instead of slimfast; exercise! I counted calories - reduce calories and you usually cut fat and carbs. And I cheated once a week, usually a big meal out with family or friends. You find yourself really looking forward to that reward!

  6. Post made me sign up and stop lurking around the edges, watching all the fun and games.

    I'm new and I'm in.

  7. Wally and Behrmark - Stay tuned.

    Lee - That is one of my favorite things from my childhood. As soon as I found the Internet, I went looking for this clip.

    Ted - Thanks for the advice.

    Uncy Carl - Welcome!! And thanks for breaking your silence... it's always nice to "meet" a (formerly) quiet dustbunny.


  8. I know I'm way late to this party but could I be in too? If I could dump this extra poundage I've gained in the last couple of years I'd have a whole new (old) wardrobe!
