
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fighting Homophobia - One Cupcake At A Time

In the dictionary under "awesome", there should be a picture of these kids and their rainbowlicious cupcakes. From The Daily What:
While St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School begrudgingly allowed its unofficial gay-straight alliance to hold its anti-homophobia event, it banned the display of rainbows, which the Ontario-based institution said are “associated with Pride.” 
“There’s so many other things that a rainbow could be,” said the unofficial GSA’s 16-year-old founder, Leanne Iskander. “It’s ridiculous.” 
Refusing to let the school’s anti-rainbow policy stop them from being Proud [ed. - and AWESOME], the students decided to bake multicolored cupcakes and arrange them in a rainbow pattern. The best part? There were rainbows baked inside. 
The event wasn’t without its hitches — the school banned most of the group’s literature on gender identity and safe sex and refused to allow the money raised to be donated to an LGBT charity — but Iskander vows to keep fighting the good fight until every Catholic school in Ontario has its own official GSA.

I told you they were awesome.



  1. You can share you views on this with Bruce Campbell from the oh-so-enlightened school board here:

    Personally I think that an organisation that has an Paedophile shielding ex-Nazi as it's head has no place being involved in the education of children. But I am gay, so I don't imagine they think my views count...

  2. even the catholics in canada are more enlightened then the average joe here in the us-- i bet teachers in catholic schools in canada are allowed to be atheists too....

