
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Got Questions? The LeMays Have Answers...

Do you have questions and can't seem to find answers?? Well, the gals from the House of LeMay have something for you - a new phone app called Ask Some Drag Queens. Finally! Someone who'll tell it to you straight ... er ... um ... LIKE IT IS!!

The app is really simple - if you have a question you need answered, just ask! Then, select one of the girls to answer your question, and she'll give you one of over 100 snappy answers with very unpredictable results!

Ask Some Drag Queens is currently available on the Droid (download it HERE) - and will soon be available for the iPhone, iTouch, and iPad. AND a portion of the profits from this app will go toward helping cancer survivors! Check out their Facebook page HERE for more information.

Check out our good friend Amber LeMay SELLING IT during a recent trip to Times Square. Well, Amber wasn't selling IT - if you smell what I'm stepping in - she was DEMONSTRATING THE APP. Actually, on second thought, she might have been selling a little of IT on the side ... especially to those two cute Papis:

Anywhore ... what are you waiting for? Download Ask Some Drag Queens to your Droid NOW!


  1. Oh! This does it...
    Now I have to get one of those smart phones...

  2. I'll have to wait until it's available for the iPhone. In the meantime, I'll continue to call Miss Ginger and ask. :-)
