
Friday, June 3, 2011

I Have Cable TV Again!

For the past two weeks, this Bunny has been without TV - and it drove me absolutely insane. After our Dish Network account was cancelled by our outgoing roommate, my remaining roomie and I decided to change over to Time-Warner - which took some time to happen but they finally installed yesterday.

So I spent most of last night catching up on HBO's Game of Thrones - which features the delicious Jason Momoa (above and below)...

... and the handsome Kit Harington...

I haven't spent that much time vegging out on the couch in front of the TV in ages - and it was absolute heaven.

And while we're on the topic of Game of Thrones (and couches) - you can go ahead and file this under: "OMG, David Is SO Gay!" -

When I first started hearing about "Game of Thrones", I thought people were saying "Game of THROWS". And I couldn't figure out how anyone could come up with a GAME based on couch throws and pillows - and why in the hell they'd make a TV series about it.

No, I'm not kidding. And YES ... my extreme gayness sometimes amazes even myself.
