
Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm Looking At YOU, Palin & Trump

Also, too. THIS is how one eats a New York slice (just "slice", not "slice of pizza" - learn it). You'd think Donald Trump, being born and raised in Queens, would have told Princess Teatard to put down the knife and fork. But apparently he used them also, too.

Here's the comment I left on Wally's POST, with a little insider information on the location of The First Annual Media Whore Pizza Party:
"I passed by this pizza joint every day when I lived in Hell's Kitchen (it's right above the 50th Street Station - 1 Train). A complete tourist trap - but it DOES have the one thing Trump and Palin were looking for - a place where the maximum number of photographers could get a picture of them. It's located on the corner - and has two glass walls which face out onto the sidewalks of Bway and 50th St. Perfect for paparrazi."



  1. John Stewart's rift on the pizza incident is hilarious!

  2. I know it's off subject, but notice the color of Donald's hair....
    That's the color I want to paint my kitchen...

  3. I'm glad you blogged about this! Maybe he's asking her to be on Celebrity Apprentice.

  4. 'notice the colour of Donald's hair?'

    What is on Donald's head is not Donald's hair. Hasn't been for a long time. He's a bit like Stanley Walker in that respect - it's a a syrup.

    (Syrup is Cockney slang. Syrup of figs = wig)

    Come to think of it I wish he would be a bit more like Stanley Walker in another respect i.e silent and invisible...

  5. I'm more of a Chicago deep dish gal, but next time I'm in NYC, I'm having a slice. And Imma eat it right.
