
Friday, June 24, 2011

This Time Weiner Has Gone TOO FAR

I can forgive the sexting, and lying, the bad judgement and the hubris. But CARNATIONS?? Oh no he di-int!!!

Rupert Murdoch "news" outlets The Daily and the New York Post are all over this story about Anthony Weiner buying cheap flowers at a Queens bodega - presumably for his scorned wife. Which I initially though was adding insult to injury until I read this sentence:
A clerk ... identified Weiner's peace offering as orange roses, white carnations and blue agapanthuses.

Carnations?!? WHITE carnations?!?!!!

THAT, Mr. Weiner, is completely unacceptable.



  1. Well, at least we know he's one of them "heterosexuals"....

    Tantamount to bringing mums..

  2. ixnay on the arnationscay! Bad bad bad idea!

  3. Carnations are for the dead... maybe its a metaphor for his political career.

  4. oooooh JEEZ ~ i had no idea 'the daily' was a murdochian rag... *uninstalls app*
