
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Arby's Sold; Maddie Auditions

Wendy's sold the delicious Arby's restaurant chain this week to Roark Capital Group, which also owns Carvel Ice Cream, Cinnabon, Auntie Anne's, Moe's Southwest Grill. Dear Roark Capital: I volunteer to be the Official Taste Tester of a new Arby's Roast Beef sandwich served on an Auntie Anne's Pretzel Roll. Let's make that happen.

Anywhore (and I do mean WHORE), the Mistress Maddie seized this opportunity and did a drunken audition to be the new Arby's Spokesmodel over the weekend. Arby's declined, but after seeing the picture below, Milk of Magnesia signed her to a 7-figure deal.


  1. AH! Two things she could be good at, the Milk of Magnesia ad or a gin ad! She is nuts.

  2. I think had she gone with a Arby's wrapper dress she probably would have got the spokemodel! I love Arbys, had no idea wendy's even own them.

  3. Ha,ha,ha,ha,! The Mistress Maddie is something else. She could have a ton of professions! Love your comentary Mr Dust! Love her head piece?

  4. She never ceases to make me laugh with those get ups! Maybe the two of you should do a spot. Power in numbers! Funny post!

  5. Funny stuff! And the Mistress pushing Arby's ? A gin product I would buy but not Arby's. And she did always have nice taste in jewerly.

  6. Maddie should have played the Milk of Magnesia folks against the ones from Pepto Bismal.

  7. Actually your all wrong. Rolraids has approached me about hawking rolls of them! Out at the clubs and resturant scene of course.

  8. It's a shame the Mistress didn't get picked, you both could enjoy a lietime of roast beef and chedders! That outfit is something else! When she's done with the necklace I sure wouldn't mind having it!

  9. I never realized Maddie had such big tits!

    PS: Maddie could totally work the Rolaids tagline: "Is that Rolaids in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

  10. Silly me, I did not even know Wendy's owned Arby's. Hope this means some expansions in your neck of the woods.
