
Monday, July 25, 2011

David's Favorite Things - Shopping Edition

It's that time once again - time for another edition of "David's Ultimate Favorite Things". This time I'm going to focus on my favorites while out shopping...

My Favorite Shopping Center 

Favorite Department at TJ Maxx 

My Favorite Shoe Store (natch) 

 Favorite Aisle at the Supermarket

My Favorite Store at the Mall

Favorite Christmas Gift EVAH



  1. OMG Love me some Aisle 9! if they added biscuits it would be Nirvana!!

  2. I've hung out at deeper and harder while wearing my BJ gloves and eating my bacon..I have to work it from several angles ;-)

  3. If I recieve any more of those BJ gloves, I swear I could have a yard sale!!! And I quiet the shopper at the Glory Hole sgopping center my self. Always a good stiff deal to be found!
