
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy 'Sundog' From Charlie

I just returned to Mama Bunny's house from a fun and refreshing weekend at the lake with my dad and brother. And now I'm frantically trying to catch up on the innerwebz, since I didn't have web access (or even cell phone service) the entire time.

So our regularly-scheduled Bunday is being replace by a 'Sundog' post, featuring my brother's pride and joy: Charlie. This is simply due to the fact that I have a bunch of Charlie pics on-hand right now, and no good Bunny pics to share while here at Casa Mama Bunny.

Here she is (yes, Charlie is a "she") fetching sticks.

Charlie and her Daddy
(Brother Bunny is sporting some Amish-esque facial hair these days)

Trying to figure out how to chew a turtle 

On the boat. She LOVES the water and didn't stop swimming.

At the end of a busy day.

I know some of you will ask what breed she is: Charlie is a mutt. Her father was a Pit Bull and her mother was somewhat of a Ho (they suspect she has Rhodesian Ridgeback in there somewhere). She is the sweetest Goggie in the world and is spoiled rotten by my brother and Sister-In-Law.

Happy Sundog!



  1. Charlie reminds me of my brother's dog, Maxie Lu, same interesting parentage. I loves doggy pictures. Wonder why?

  2. How cute girl! She is adorable , and I'm not use to seeing doggies on this site. And Mame, thank God your alright, I was worried about you on a boat with fishes flapping at ya! And especially dronk!

  3. we just got back ourselves- i had a great time but i don't know if eating chex mix and brie whilst washing down beer may taste good, i don't think it counts towards the good day tally!


  4. Sounds like you had a good time! I enjoyed the Charlie pix. xoxoxoxox
