
Sunday, August 28, 2011

All Is Well

Everything is fine here - no damage, no power outage, no flooding (in my neighborhood, anyway). In fact, the rain has stopped for now, and we have the windows open.

My parents (in Central PA) fared far worse than we did. Mama Bunny is currently without power - and Papa Bunny has a tree limb resting on a power line right now.

Back here in NYC, I now have to figure out what the deal is with work tomorrow. Believe it or not, I'd like to get back to the normal grind - getting a little stir-crazy here at Casa de Bunny.


  1. Glad to hear all is well for you in NYC. Cross fingers for parental bunnies!

  2. Great news!!! Sorry about your parents and hope their power comes back on soon. Texted Maddie who is OK but has no power. Also some flooding nearby with water up to the dashboards. The wind is still really strong there. So no posts from Maddie for a while.

  3. Glad you didn't lose power! Did you finish all that Limon?

    I know what you mean about being ready for things to get back to normal... whatever that is for you these days!
