
Monday, August 8, 2011

Project Runway All-Stars Cast Announced

Saw the cast list for Project Runways All-Stars over at TLo:

Elisa Jimenez, Kenley Collins, Austin Scarlett, Mila Hermanovski, Michael Costello, Kara Janx, Sweet P, Anthony Williams, Gordana Gehlhausen, Mondo Guerra, Rami Kashou, April Johnston, and Jerell Scott.

Model Angela Lindvall will be the host and Isaac Mizrahi and Georgina Chapman will serve as judges, with Marie Claire editor-in-chief Joanna Coles as the show’s mentor.

Upon first glance, the casting looks pretty good to me. Some of my faves (Sweet P, Mondo) are included, as well as some I didn't much care for (KENLEY!).

Actually, as far as Kenley goes, I totally hope she's in full-on Villain mode - that would certainly add some spice to the proceedings.

As far as recapping goes, I won't even ask because I KNOW what you'll say: "RECAP IT!". So I shall...

What are your thoughts on the cast and/or the show???



  1. I am only consoled that the absence of some of my favorites is that they are so busy they don't have time.

    Glad Mondo was considered so quickly. He deserves the extra exposure and may even win!

    Will be interesting to see if Kenley moderates her behavior after the uniform trashing she got. Otoh, keep all feline lifeforms off the set lest she decide to to launch one at a competitor.


  2. As long as Wendy Pepper isn't on there, I can handle it. Love Austin and am glad Sweet P and Mondo are on! I can't remember a few of them but am sure I will when I see them in action. THANK YOU for saying you'll recap!!!

    Love you! Love your recaps!! xoxoxoxoxxo

  3. It should be a lot more fun, now that they're veterans and most of the pressure is off. Hopefully, they'll be more relaxed and just really have at it. I like Sweet P as well, and am also glad to see Rami back on. Mondo was always a favorite.
    It will be more enjoyable than the present season of PR.

  4. How can it be PR without Tim, Nina, Michael and Heidi?

    I don't think I'll be watching but I will be looking for your recaps.

  5. OMG, there will be one reason to watch--RAMI KASHOU!!!!! Please have this group do the "Come As You Are" Challenge. I want to Rami in as little as possible.

    That being said, also glad to see Mondo, Michael C and Sweet Pea coming back, all which some of my favorites.

    We can hope the Kenley is the first to go, but the producers will want to keep her as long as the can for her "drama"

  6. is this the first PR all stars?

  7. DustBunny Tom -

    A couple years ago they did an All-Star special (one episode) in which Daniel Vosovic won.


  8. I guess Isaac's presence means that a season 3 of "The Fashion No" will be a no go?...
