
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Results Are In

Gold stars go out to Bucko and Craig this week - GREAT JOB!

Feel free to share with us (in the Comments section) about how your week went. As for Moi ? ... I'd rather not talk about it.



  1. zoo friday and nacho satruday did me in this week. walked tons but skipped running three days in a row. i also did not track my foods for two days in my journal. ps. butter is my DOWNFALL!


  2. Been good with the exercise but that will probably stop with workmen FINALLY appearing, it is promised, this week at 7.15am every morning.

  3. You had quite a busy week, with the entertaining & upcoming doctors' appointments...
    You'll have a better week this week.

  4. Never ever apologize when you take a little time off. I took Saturday off and I needed to not calculate every little calorie. Its a roller coaster my friend. Remember that.

  5. i forgot to post... oh wait... i am on vacation...but last week i think i got in 3 days before we hit fire island... now on fire island... have been walking like crazy since our house is soooooo far away from the ferry...arghh... do i get good days for walking to the grocery store??

  6. I wonder if I could juice butter.

  7. David - butter is a gift from the culinary gods and is worshipped in many forms. That is how life should be :)
    As for my 7/7, I had help this week and only had to hold it together for 4 days. Fri/Sat were prep day/recovery day for a colonoscopy so I had about 300 calories for two whole days. Sunday I had to eat light cause I was still feeling a little off, so 3 of my 7 days were gimme's requiring no willpower lol.
    This week is already off kilter though - the hubby and I went out for dinner last night to celebrate some good news and I think I ate about 8,000 calories in one meal. It was worth it though - we went to one of our favorite places (Paesano's in Midtown Sac) in our old neighborhood - such divine food!

  8. i just got done running- make that 'skipped two days'....

    tivo mom's right- we can't make ourselves feel bad when we do human things- life is too short to live on a strict regiment for everything! friends and food were meant to be enjoyed together!


  9. I finally joined the reindeer games Wednesday! So I did well 4/5 days that I was working on it. I'm counting Mon-Mon now though.
