
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rick Perry: Two-Faced

Which do you prefer - Rick W. Perry-Bush (above)?

Or Richelle Perry-Bachmann??



  1. Did you watch West Wing? Daughter and I, watching the news at the crack of dawn this morning, decided he reminded us of the over the top Bushlike Governor of Florida that they had run for President.

  2. Perry is the worst kind of Christian - a complete fake. There is no evidence that he attends church anywhere, outside of his one big 'prayer rally.' I wouldn't care if he was a flaming liberal gay Democrat, I still wouldn't support him for that reason alone.

  3. When will I get married and become a proper lady with a proper hyphenate name???

  4. They are both the sacurge of the Earth! If any of them get elected I am moving to Australia!
