
Thursday, August 25, 2011


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Um ... should I be worried???...



  1. !!!!! and kitty supplies - or is the canned tuna for the kitties ;-)

  2. MikeBloomberg twitters!!

    #Irene is a good reminder to always have a "Go Bag" in your home for potential emergencies. How to build yours:

  3. As a Floridian by birth:

    Make sure your pantry is stocked...
    Have a battery powered radio...
    when it starts raining, everyone bath, then fill up the tubs so you can flush the toilets....
    candles, candles, candles...
    Liquor, liquor, liquor....

    Then just stay indoors!

  4. As a Texas Gulf Coast resident, I second what designing wally says, but if you have access to a Coleman camp stove, make sure you have fuel; if not, find someone who has one and buy them drinks. Or buy extra charcoal for your grill. If the power is out for a while, you'll want a hot meal, or maybe even hot water. Turn your fridge down all the way, and fill the freezer with water. (In containers, duh.) This assumes you won't have power for a few days...

  5. Batten down the hatches ethel, get the limon ready there is a hurricane a commin!

  6. Dearest DustBunny Ted -

    I truly appreciate the comment - thank you. Unfortunately I don't have a grill, or access to a Coleman - so I think I'll just concentrate on the booze thing and hope everything works out.



  7. Glad to know about the refrigerator advice for our next power outage. The longest one was during the ice storm, but those tornadoes nearby did it, too.
