
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Facebook Remembers Everything

Facebook knows everything about you - and remembers it all. Forever...

From Gawker:
Across the pond, where regulators have teeth and where corporations don't get to rewrite the legal definition of "privacy," citizens can force Facebook to send them a dossier of everything it knows about them. Two anonymous Europeans have shared their database dumps publicly, Forbes reports. One of them ran to 880 pages.

Some of the things Facebook keeps track of:
  • Records of all rejected friend requests.
  • Records of the all the friends you unfriended over the years.
  • A list of devices from which you log in to Facebook, plus a list of other users on those machines. Meaning Facebook knows who spent the night at your place last night.
  • Records of all your "pokes" - and those who've "poked" you.
  • Event invites and RSVPs.
  • A history of messages and chats.



  1. But.....does it know where I left my car keys?

    Seriously. I can't find my keys.


  2. Bob - look under things, look behind things - MomMantra at my house.

    Sigh... I wonder when the internets is going to start blackmailing people.
    (I KNOW you were on David Dust's site last night with the handsome mens - if you don't want us to tell your significant other then BUY this advertiser's products NOW!)

  3. Right about when you posted this a dear, older friend brought up "The Book"....

    I replied that I don't want the CIA knowing about my BMs....

    If they want to know about that, they can check my blog.......

  4. LOL @ Froggy..! It won't be long before THAT happens.!!
