
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My First Therapy Session - Today

Today I have my very first therapy session EVER - and I'm a little nervous. The idea of pouring out my heart to a complete stranger seems very weird.

I've been going to the Shrink regularly - but she doesn't really do talk therapy. She does meds and coordinates with my Doc and my Therapist. Basically, She's Head Beeyotch in Charge of my (crazy) Head.

The Therapist, on the other hand, is kind of a mystery to me. Since I've never don't this before, all I have to go by is what I've seen in movies and on TV.

One good thing - it's completely free (unlike my Shrink, which costs me a $75 copay for each visit - ouch). Therapy, on the other had, is done free-of-charge through Gay Men's Health Crisis.

Wish me luck...

UPDATE: Everything went fine XOXOXOXOXO



  1. I thought you already did therapy with Bacardi Limon?

  2. But you pour your heart out to complete strangers all the time - it's called a blog. :)

    love you! xoxoxoxoxo

  3. Just remember that he/she is there to help you. Be honest.

  4. Minx -

    LOL!!! But ya'll aren't strangers!!!!


  5. I did it once and I felt weird and like I was not saying the right thing. Now I think I should try it again (the last time was in my 20's). Let me know how it goes. Luv u

  6. Good for you, David! Glad to hear it went well!

  7. I've done it and might again. It's not always easy to find a therapist who works well with you. They usually ask how about that, so pay attention and be honest. You have to tell them the truth or there's no point in going. Besides, where else can you talk only about yourself for an hour and they listen!!

    You need to let them know if a method isn't working for you. For example, I like feedback and not for them to just sit there and reflect everything back to me. It won't be comfortable all the time for sure. You start with what you feel safe talking about and build up or peel down as the case may be. That happens over time as you trust them more and are able to deal with painful stuff.

    You aren't there to entertain them but to learn more about yourself and fix stuff. I'm proud of you as always!! You can do it!

    Love you! Love your hare!! xoxoxoxxox

  8. Maybe not now...but once upon a time, all of us were strangers. Some stranger than most!

