
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Results Are In

Good Days
Froggy (GREAT JOB!)
Mrs. A (8/22 to 8/28)
Little Karnak

Well, the DustBunny Good Days Initiative ended in a whimper – with only 5 of us reporting for the final week. Most of this is my fault, as I failed to do a post during the week prior (8/22 to 8/28) – although kudos to Mrs. A for sending me last week’s tally even without being asked.

Extra special kudos to Froggy – who managed a 7 out of 7 during this final week. Awesome Job, Froggy.

Feel free to share your experiences (or belatedly give us your tally) in the comments section.

Personally - as with all my prior attempts at losing weight/healthier living – this was an utter failure (I'm heavier now than I was at the start). I think it’s time to stop blogging about weight loss around here – it's obviously not my strong point (to say the least) and I'm tired of looking like an ass for making promises I'm unable to keep.


  1. thankyewthankyew.
    My goal this week was to stay away from wheat. I read an article in one of those supermarket magazines about wheat based on a new book Wheat Belly.
    (What a loverly title.) It made some sense. I ordered the book - just published and not here yet. Anyway I made it the week and beyond. I'm curious enough to try it all the way to the next dr appt. and see where my blood sugar is, weight, etc. Pasta and bread are big carbs anyway so we'll see.

  2. Interesting, Froggy. I'll check into that book. I'm consistently underachieving.

  3. I feel bad. I was one of the posting dropouts. I was really busy all summer & the whole gooddays/baddays thing didn't really work for me. But I was inspired to be healthier by the Good Days Initiative, so much so that I started on Atkins on 7/15 and also started walking every day, just 20 minutes at first but now 45mins/2 miles. I've lost 13 lbs. this summer! Thank you for starting this!
    As you know, Atkins works - you just have to give up some of those things you love (hmmm....did someone say....Arby's!) But I'm thinking of it as giving up something I hate - my rolls of fat - and concentrating on the delicious fatty foods I can have & still lose weight. Scallops wrapped in bacon, anyone? Now that's a diet! (Hey, you could still go to Arby's, just throw away the buns. Did I say buns??? haha)
    You did some good this summer, David, for me. Thanks.

  4. I too was a dropout. I just cannot seem to get it together right now with school starting and everything else. We will figure something out my friend because we want you around for a long time...healthy, happy and in love too!

  5. you helped me too. a good leader inspires others before his/ her own needs. as someone who has struggled with my weight my whole life you gave me camaraderie and support through your initiative which motivated me to work towards making my goals. when i was having a setback or i didnt stick to my plan reading your entries and the comments made me see that lots of folks are like me and struggle with weight. i didn't feel so alone in the world and it made a difference to me that you did this.



  6. I sucked at this... It's like the class in college for which I registered but never attended.... to this day, I still have nightmares about showing up for the final after skipping the whole semester!!

    My "Lose Five, Gain Ten" diet is getting me no where! Lather, rinse,repeat that a few times and you end up with me- the worlds Biggest Queen!
