
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Today's Project: Deviled Eggs

I'm seriously considering going back to the Atkins Diet - so today I made one of my favorite things from that diet: Deviled Eggs. FYI: They are delish. And YES, I'm so gay that I have my very own Tupperware Deviled Egg holder/container (although I've lost the lid).

Regarding the Atkins Diet... About 9 years ago I lost 90 lbs doing Atkins, so I know it works. And let's face it, nothing else has been doing it for me lately. So why not give it a shot?!?

I'll keep you posted ...

Thanks to DustBunny Truth for the reminder about Atkins.



  1. Oh yay! Let's do it together! I have deviled eggs in the fridge too :), & like you Atkins worked for me 8 years ago. But when I went back to the carb lifestyle the fat came back. I read this Gary Taubes article in the NYTimes this spring & that got me thinking about lowcarb again: Food for thought.
    I hit One-derland last week - my weight starts with a one!

  2. I loves hard boiled eggs but don't have the patience for deviled eggs. You are to be commended!

    My 7/7 last week was only one goal - no wheat. Still going. And the book finally arrived. Here is a review of it -
    His theory is one of the reasons Atkins works is people cut out wheat. I'm reading thru it and it is really interesting.
    BUT - come Thanksgiving I am hiding the book - my beloved BIL is a wheat and lentil farmer!

  3. GOOD LUCK with your diet dear.

    I also have my mom's recipe to make those delicious eggs.
    AND YES I'm as gay as many because I HAVE these Tupperware eggs containers... Very useful to keep those eggs fresh...LOL!!!

    I put finely chopped «French chalots» and also chopped celery leaves (the yellow tender ones) in the mixture with REAL mayonnaise.
    I've got a secret seasoning too...
    BUT I keep it a secret...

    Hope you enjoy them. They look so delicious..
    I think I'm going to make some myself for supper...

    ** Hope and PEACE to all AMERICANS on the
    next 9/11 remembrance day.

    The friendly «international» country north of yours....

  4. I think you should give it a try and you really did so well on it! And it seems to fit your lifestyle the best really. I love me some deviled eggs, and had several over Labor Day. Im just glad I wont be at your house later when the deviled egg farts start!

  5. any self respecting gay man should have a tupperware deviled egg holder for those emergency unexpected pot lucks!
