
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit

From The Daily What:
Science Experiment of the Day: The photo on the left? That’s the before
Personal trainer Drew Manning has spent the past five months intentionally gaining 70 pounds by eating all the stuff you like to eat — frosted cereals, white bread, chips, mac n cheese, frozen dinners, and soda — as part of a personal project he calls ”Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit.” 
Drew, who will soon begin the arduous journey back to fitness, hopes his experiment will teach him something about how the fatter half lives. 
Asked what he’s learned so far, Drew said the biggest thing was “how intense and how real these food cravings are.” He goes on:
"I know I’ll never know exactly what it’s like for every person that’s overweight and I don’t claim to, but at least I understand better than I did before when I never had to struggle with this. I hope to learn a lot more in the second half of my journey, from fat 2 fit."

I bet it'll be harder for him to lose the weight than he thinks. Just trust me on this one...



  1. This just horrifies me!!!! And can't be good for him at all. I don't think it will give him any understanding and it is just a really dumb publicity stunt.

  2. is it wrong that i'm more attracted to him in the after photo?

  3. @h.m. - I kinda thought the same thing :)


  4. How long is he going to be fat? He should stay fat for years in order for this to be a true experiment.

  5. Hey! I did this, too! Well, part of it.
