
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday To Maddie

Happy Birthday to my former Harrisburg homegirl and my dear sister - the Mistress Maddie. I'm not gonna reveal how old Maddie is, but let's just say that she's definitely on the AARP's radar. Is all I'm saying...

Anywhore (emphasis on the last syllable), blogging will be light over the next couple days as Maddie and I hit the town in celebration. Tonight we'll be attending Lady Bunny's show at Escuelita - and then we'll cab it downtown to that bastion of "Modern Dance", The Urge. Gotta support the "local talent", dontcha know.

Tomorrow there will be hangovers to nurse and shopping to do (I took the day off work), so blogging may not return to normal until my liver does. Which could be a while...



  1. Happy bday to Maddie!!! Just stay away from the OWS and you'll be fine.

  2. Happy birthday to Maddie! You two have a super fun time! XOXO

  3. I can't believe I'm going to miss Maddie's celebration of the arts! And you mind your liver, Missy... it ain't the organ it used to be, if you smell what I'm steppin' in!

    Oh, BTW: Happy Birthday, Slut! Have some borbequed pork buns to celebrate!

  4. You only think Maddie is 30 because the gin has preserved her. I just hope that you saw my last text message and have taken her phone away from her because I do not want to receive a phone call in the wee hours of the morning. I am deeply concerned about Lady Bunny giving out those all you can drink tickets or whatever it was.

    But y'all have fun celebrating Maddie's birthday. And don't forget to make it rain at the Urges.

  5. Oh my dear nephews! Let the celebrations begin!! Happy Birthday, Maddie! xoxoxoxoxxo
