
Saturday, December 3, 2011

The 'Cain Train' Comes To A Screeching Halt

Noooooooooooooooooo!!!! The most hilarious Republican EVAH has just bowed out of the presidential nomination race, and late-night comedians (and bloggers) everywhere weep bitter tears of sorrow.

RELATED: did anyone else think it was weird that Cain had to "scheduled a meeting" with his own wife to discuss all of his drama?? I wouldn't be surprised if the 'D-I-V-O-R-C-E Train' is the next locomotive Herman Cain will be riding.



  1. Next act up - The Trump Debate. omg! bring on the popcorn!

  2. What's going on with your blog? It's like one post and all the rest advertising on a page.

  3. Auntie Flame -

    It's looking normal to me (4-5 posts per page). Hmmmmmmm...


  4. I still CANNOT BELIEVE all these baffoons they are putting up. If anyone would even consider voting them in then we are is serious trouble!!!!! Cain isn't he well spoken, how did he think he ever even had a chance, no statesmen there!

  5. I wonder if he pulled out because Michelle Bachmann was about to step forward and say she's had an affair with him too? After all, it's not like she's gettin' any from her husband...
