
Saturday, December 10, 2011

My First Real Job

When I was in High School I worked at Mickey D's. But darlings, I didn't just work there - I WERQ'd there.

You should have seen my sassy polyester-wearing ass werqing the Drive Thru - Yours Truly was the fiercest little Drive Thru Diva you ever wanted to meet. I could talk to two different customers (one at the window, one via speaker), make change, take orders, check the orders and pour drinks - simultaneously. All the while checking my hair in the polished stainless steel to insure my coif looked flawless. Ooooooh HONEY, it was a sight to behold!

What was YOUR first job - and were you good at it?



  1. i worked in a library where i would disappear and go read on a regular i guess that means i was terrible at being an employee but very good at being sneaky because i think i got caught twice in the 8 months i worked there.


  2. I was a life guard and swimming teacher. I did pull one of my students to the side during her deep water swim (which she wasn't) so I guess I did a good thing... otoh, she needed remedial work to do the deep water swim.

  3. Great! Now I'm hungry.


  4. LOL!! Fellow Mickey D's employee here!! I worked the drive thru and was a cook...loved working in the kitchen because our boss let us hook up a boom box...we listened to the Gap Band all night long while flippin' those burgers!! And the who the hell LIKES the McRib??? That was the nastiest thing ever!!!!!

  5. I worked in a small local grocery store and sold beer to all my underage friends. Yep I was popular!

  6. I am old and decrepit.... back when I was in high school, cameras used this stuff called "film", that had to be developed, and then printed. It took a lot more than a few clicks of a button, and involved a bunch of caustic chemicals mixed blindly in a dark, poorly ventilated room. And for this, I was paid the princely sum of $4 an hour!

  7. Country boy here - I did farm work (baled hay, raised/slaughtered pigs, milked cows, and was involved in the entire life cycle of tobacco). Kind of cool because it was all cash and tax-free.

  8. I will forgive Karmack and his disparaging words towards the Queens staple food. The mcrib should be shown respect at all times HO!
    Well HO I was special. I worked two jobs. Yes I began working at Whatabutger at 16. Hos Whataburger is the state burger of Texas so tread lightly.
    I too had mad skills. The drive thru was my specialty also. That place was never the same. I also thwarted a robbery but that's a story for another blog.
    During the same summer I became a hungry money whore. Bitch I began sacking groceries on my days off from W.
    Well long story short. I got fired for being mean to an old ass lady who was mean to the wrong bagho. Bitch had it coming to her. That was the summer I realized the power in words.

  9. My first job for pay was at a fabric store. I got to tell women, "Uh you want to make that? You do realize that it won't work in taffeta?" Gawd I hated all the beyotches who were fixated on taffeta. Really? Shorts out of mauve taffeta? Shouldn't someone go to jail over that crap?

  10. I worked during the Christmas season at a women's clothing shop. I wasn't very good at it but much better than when I was a student secretary in the chemistry department when I was in college. Horrible typist and don't even remember what I did for them. Dead weight I'm sure.

  11. For a whopping 3$ / hour I worked in a laundrymat. I washed people's clothes and hung out listening to the radio. Still the best job I have ever had.

  12. Babysitting. There's a reason I never had children.

    Sam: Whataburger! I lived in Texas during grade school - I remember Whataburger! (It's Whataburger should be.)
