
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A History Lesson For The History Channel

Looks like I'm not the only one who noticed how little "history" is actually featured on the History Channel these days. They should just call it Channel...



  1. bwa-ha-ha!
    (except for the aliens - don't want to be on the record lest we offend the aliens...)

  2. Similar to Syfy. Pro wrestling is not science fiction. Fiction, sure, but not science fiction. And it's a stretch to say that all those giant shark/octopus/squid movies are sci-fiu as well, though I'm willing to let them slide.

  3. Makes me think of MTV, you know, MUSIC television? Not that little Snookie troll doll and the other trainwrecks in the house...I hear way back when, they actually played music videos! Probably at the same time, the History Channel ran shows about history..ahh, the good ol days.

  4. Not the kind of change we wanted.

  5. Notice how they don't even call "TLC" "The Learning Channel" anymore!!

    And when will they change the name of "The Food Network" to "The Not Really Good Enough To Be a Chef or a Regular TV Star Network"?

    And does anyone else think "OWN" should be called "EgoTV?" Jus' Sayin'!

    Thank GODDESS "The Cartoon Network" gets it!
