
Friday, January 6, 2012

Tilda Swinton As Auntie Mame ??

"Oscar winner Tilda Swinton is planning to play the title character in a remake of the film Auntie Mame, according to TheNew York Times. Swinton and director Luca Guadagnino, who helmed her recent film I Am Love (Il Sono L'Amore), are reportedly in the planning stage of the project, which would star Swinton as famous bon vivant Mame Dennis." 
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Auntie Mame is my favorite movie of all time, and I'm not sure Tilda can fill Rosalind Russell's Chanel slingbacks. Thoughts??


  1. I love Tilda.
    I don't get this.

  2. Why? It can't get any better than the way it is! Also I think Tilda is brilliant but don't see her in this role at all.

  3. Auntie White Witch? No. Just no. I do love Tilda but this is not the role for her, imho.

  4. NOOOOOOOO! It's blasphemous!!!! and I can't STAND Tilda- all she does is dress weird on red carpets!

  5. What the Hell???

    That's that last straw; I'm turning in my gay card if they do this....

  6. I don't know about this either. Unless it is going to be a film noir, which won't be the fun Auntie Mame we know and love. Russel did the best, and even Ball was pretty good but Tilda? And who will play Vera Charles, a dark Rose McGowen?

  7. The only movie I've liked her in was "I Am Love;" I cannot see her as Mame....

  8. why why WHY must every good thing be remade? the original magic / following is never recaptured and yet hollywood keeps trying... also, i feel about this the same way i feel about michelle williams as marilyn: no.

  9. First of all, Ladies... stop whining! I'm sure that when the original Auntie Mame was being made there were people saying "why do they have to turn every book into a film?" A good story is a good story. It's in our nature to tell and re-tell good stories! Second, Auntie Mame IS a dark character, albeit comedic: how she hides her insecurities in her eccentricities, manipulates her friends and suitors, clings to her nephew, her one constant, in lieu of an adult relationship, and manages to fail at nearly everything she does. Her one redeeming quality is that she really has the best of intentions. Third, No one person can illuminate every facet of a character. Roslyn Russel's performance is historic and inspired. But there's no reason that any equally talented actress like Tilda Swinton wouldn't also be incredible. She's certainly eccentric enough.

  10. First of all, Ladies... stop whining! I'm sure that when the original Auntie Mame was being made there were people saying "why do they have to turn every book into a film?" A good story is a good story. It's in our nature to tell and re-tell good stories! Second, Auntie Mame IS a dark character, albeit comedic: how she hides her insecurities in her eccentricities, manipulates her friends and suitors, clings to her nephew, her one constant, in lieu of an adult relationship, and manages to fail at nearly everything she does. Her one redeeming quality is that she really has the best of intentions. Third, No one person can illuminate every facet of a character. Roslyn Russel's performance is historic and inspired. But there's no reason that any equally talented actress like Tilda Swinton wouldn't also be incredible. She's certainly eccentric enough.
