
Friday, February 10, 2012

How To Fight The Funk

I’ve been in a real funk these last couple of weeks – so bad that my Psychiatrist recently upped my crazy meds. That seemed to help a little, but what REALLY worked was my old standby cure: good conversation, cheap booze, onion rings and “modern dancers”. 

Let me explain. My blogger buddy Ivan and I have been trying to get together for months. So when we decided to meet up this week, I suggested we go to Boots and Saddle – a Christopher Street dive bar that I’d never actually been inside of. Turns out, neither had Ivan, so we decided to make it an adventure. And if the bar turned out to be scary we didn’t have to stay. 

So last night I met Ivan on the street and we went inside Boots and Saddle (above). We had a seat and were immediately greeted by a friendly bartender so we ordered a couple of beers (Pabst is $3.00, which is a damn bargain in Manhattan). Out of the corner of my eye I notice semi-clothed movement, and lo and behold they had a “dancer” during Happy Hour – a dancer that I’ve featured on the blog before, Francisco. He was all muscles and smiles, so he managed to wrangle a couple of dollars out of my cold, bare, dusty wallet (it was soooooo worth it – for each dollar tip you can totally cop a feel). Ivan snapped a picture of Francisco on stage… 

Needless to say, we totally fell in love with Boots and Saddle and stayed for a number of beers. At 8:00 pm Francisco was finished dancing, and “Marco” took his place (not as cute, but let’s just say he made up for in other BIG ways). At that point we were hungry, so we decided to hit up Julius (NYC’s oldest gay bar) for a burger and a beer. I’d been to Julius before, but I’d never ordered one of their legendary burgers – and I’m so glad I did. It was perfectly cooked and served with my all-time favorite food – beer-battered onion rings. Heaven. 

After eating, Ivan and I went our separate ways – but we’ve vowed to make this somewhat of a Thursday habit. 

And THAT, my dear DustBunnies, is how you fight the funk.


  1. Good on you and Ivan! I think it's great that you're able to meet fellow bloggers. Behr Hugs!

  2. I'm here to tell ya hon...deep fried & beer battered anything is a miracle cure for all sorts of things that ails ya...cept maybe heart disease...but that is a whole other help line!! So glad to hear that you had a good time!!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful adventure out! Also, those onion rings look damn nice. (Not as nice as Fransisco, but nice nonetheless.)

  4. why do you think that when I get depressed I need a girls night out? We all need friends, beer, hot men and fried food. Love it!

  5. I tend to get in funks myself but usually a funny movie or a good book, maybe a beer at the bar even might pull me out of it..never occurred to me to cop a feel on another

  6. good for you. i need to send you some nice crisp dollar bills for your 'dancer fund'!


  7. Friends can really turn your day around. Glad to hear you're doing better. Miss you!!

  8. We had FUN! See ya next Thursday. :)
